Thread: Electric RX3
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Old 01-29-2019, 10:32 AM   #10
sqwert   sqwert is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 382
Because cheap batteries are heavy and there comes a point where adding more batteries kills performance--it takes more amps to move more weight, so adding more batteries won't go enough further to be worthwhile.

On the other hand, expensive batteries don't weigh nearly as much, but some types tend to spontaneously combust when the chemicals that store the amps are exposed to air. Some types literally explode when hit with a significant jolt of electricity, such as when lightning strikes a power line nearby.

Some batteries do not perform well when weather is hot or cold. Some batteries require extensive computerized charging systems. Some must be refrigerated to be charged. Others must be heated. Charge times can ruin your day.

Most all batteries wear out, so batteries loose range over time. Your 140 mile range goes away a little every day.

Electric vehicles simply do not provide the turn-key readiness of gasoline engines.

Greenheads don't mention the myriad downsides of electric vehicles. Yes, electrics will adequately serve a few people, but not really all that many. Improperly managed charging and maintenance consume a lot more energy overall than is saved. Specialty metals for better battery types are very limited in supply, so, if you use them, and you need to replace them, and many such batteries have been sold in the mean time, it is reasonable to expect demand to significantly increase over supply, and the replacement battery costs skyrocket.

Battery manufacture and remanufacture is extremely polluting.

And that's just the tip of the contaminated iceberg. Electricity powering vehicles has its place, but it really isn't much of one. Some applications electricity is golden, but rare. Research the negatives thoroughly before investing.

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