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Old 10-24-2018, 06:01 PM   #168
katflap   katflap is offline
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Re configure your PCHUD to use

k_FLAP.hud dated 10/1/2016
K_FLAP.par dated 16/01/2002

These I believe were the last hud & par files I did.

Below is an image showing the layout of PCHUD in this configuration and a corresponding explanatory list.

the list is the best I could do at the time and I think it should answer some of your questions.

(the image & list can also be found on post # 107)

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CL ENABLED - engine running using "Closed Loop" (using O2 sensor, typically when in idle, part throttle or cruising)

PRIME PULSE DISABLE - ECU injects a small amount of fuel when the ignition is turned. No more fuel is injected until the engine is cranking. Prime pulse should show disabled when engine is running.

FUEL PUMP ON -   self explanatory

ACC ENRICH ENABLED -  ACCELERATION ENRICHMENT ENABLED, (rich mixture) works much like the accelerator pump on a carb when you open the throttle quickly. Helps to eliminate hesitation

DECC ENLEAN ENABLED- DECCELERATION ENLEANMENT ENABLED, or fuel cut-off mode –  is enabled during periods of deceleration. In this mode, the ECU reduces injector pulse width or momentarily shuts the injector off in order to reduce high emissions and engine backfire. 




O2 SENSOR RICH -  O2 sensor detecting a rich mixture 

C L ADAPTION RESET - Closed loop adaption reset, ECU resets long & short term trim to zero,(why and when ?)

                     " Idle speed control system
Idle speed control system possesses such functions as closed-loop control,
self learning, altitude correction, out of step automatic adjustment and
intelligent resetting, depending upon operating state of the engine"

O2 SENSOR HEAT -  O2 sensor heating element enabled (helps to bring the O2 sensor sensor up to operating temperature  more quickly)

O2 SENSOR READY - O2 sensor has reached operating temperature  ( closed loop is only possible once this has happened)

IACV CORRECTION ON -Idle air control valve correction on - don't know what form of correction this refers to

IACV LOST STEP -Idle air control valve (stepper motor) there's no actual feedback from the IAC to the ECU to tell it  that the commands have been carried out, instances of low system voltage may prevent the IAC from actually having the ability to carry these out, resulting in step count loss.

IACV MOVE INHIBIT - Idle air control valve move inhibit - indicates then the IAV is locked in the "park" position

IGNITION ON - Self explanatory

MAPCID ENABLED- ( MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (sensor), CYLINDER INLET DETECTION)  - cylinder detection negates the need for a camshaft position sensor

When engine cylinder is working in intake stroke, the intake valve suddenly
opens, and the manifold pressure near the intake valve drops sharply
(by about 1kPa). The sharp drop of pressure is detected by the MAP sensor, 
the ECU  processes this signal by means of the software, to determine stroke. Enabling spark ignition and fuel injection to be on the correct stroke


IDLE ENABLED - Is in a state of idle

POWER ENRICHMENT ENABLED - Applied when putting a continuous load on the engine

PE AFR PROTECTION EN - Power enrichment air fuel ratio protection enabled - it makes sure fuel/air ratio never becomes to lean when the engine is under load and cause damage

NEUTRAL SWITCH ON - Self explanatory

MIL LIGHT ON -  malfunction indicating light - Indicates a fault

status 5

INL PRESS CORR ON - Inlet pressure correction on, The ECU is enabled so it can make corrections between actual atmospheric pressure and the base line of sea level (101kpa) atmospheric pressure ** i think **

BARO UPDATES ENABLE - Atmospheric pressure updates enabled

SEQ SPARK ENABLED - Sequential spark enabled, opposite of wasted spark - uses the MAPCID to know the correct cycle to  create spark.

                      The only advantage to sequential ignition is at idle and low speed. It will provide 
                      cleaner emissions and smoother idle. Over about 2500-300 RPM there is no advantage

ENGINE IN RUN- Engine running

STABLE WARM IDLE - The ECU is satisfied that all factors have been met its requirements for a stable effecient idle. One factor is the coolant temp needs to reach 60 - 70 deg C.


COOLANT TEMP - self explanatory

ENGINE SPEED - self explanatory

THROTTLE POSITION - (0 - 100 %)  reported by the throttle position sensor (TPS)

IDLE RPM TARGET - pre programed desired idle speed

BATTERY VOLTAGE - reported system voltage

O2 VOLTAGE -  O2 sensor (lambda),  high= rich, low= lean ( initial high= sensor is heating)

FUEL PUMP DUTY CYCLE- seems to report that the fuel pump is operational


FUEL PULSE WIDTH - length of time that fuel is been injected in milliseconds, (short= less, long= more)

IACV TARGET STEP - idle air control valve (stepper motor), variably adjusted by the ECU to suit a particular instance based on pre programmed info and live feed back from the sensors. (high= more air, low = less air)

TPS AN TO DIG- throttle position sensor analog to digital (a conversion of voltage to digital info for the ECU)


this sensor undertakes a number of tasks to aid the ECU in determining the best fuel air ratio at any given time.

1/  Atmospheric pressure is taken to determine the altitude ( the higher the altitude the less oxygen content in the air).

2/ Air temprature is taken,  a measured amount of cold air is more dense so contains more oxygen than warm air. ( also for cold start)

3/ inlet air pressure is taken so air flow can be calculated per charge


(AIR INL TEMP) - air inlet temperature

(BARO READING) - atmosheric pressure (Average sea-level pressure is 101.325 kPa)

(MEASURED PRESS) - intake manifold pressure (partial vacuum e.g idle 40kpa, full load close to 100kpa)

(READ ANGLE) - "The ECU is designed to read the MAP sensor only once per engine cycle.
                Therefore, to get a measurement representative of load, it must be measured at the
                minimum value associated with the propagating vacuum pulse to get reliable load
                resolution. This means that the MAP sensor must be read at a very specific time in the
                engine cycle, which is defined by the corresponding crank angle (MAP Read Angle)"

(CID PASS) - cylinder inlet stroke detected

(CID FAIL) - cylinder inlet stroke NOT detected ( this should remain at zero)


AFR TARGET - pre programed air fuel  ratio for the condition (desired AFR)

AFR COMMAND - Input from the fuel trims, O2 sensor etc, the ECU  trys to and match the AFR TARGET, so i think this is  actual AFR

* the AFR TARGET & AFR COMMAND should match quite closely*

SPARK ADV TARGET- pre programed spark advance for the condition (desired spark advance), should be in degs BTDC

SPARK ADV COMMAND- the ECU trys to match the SPARK ADVANCE TARGET, so i think this is actual ADV, should be in degs BTDC

SPARK ADV IDLEDYNAMC- spark advance idle dynamic, by advancing and retarding helps to give a smooth idle.I guess the output is in degs BTDC but how this works in relation to SPARK ADV COMMAND  i dont know 

SPARK DWELL TIME - In milli seconds, too short= weak spark, too long= melted coil .ECU controls this based on system voltage (always use the correct coil)

CPK SENSOR ERROR - crank shaft position error, this should remain at zero

VOLUME EFFICIENCY - "Volumetric efficiency (VE) is used to describe the amount of fuel/air in the cylinder in relation to regular atmospheric air. If the cylinder is filled with fuel/air at atmospheric pressure, then the engine is said to have 100% volumetric efficiency. Normally aspirated engines typically run anywhere between 80% and 100% VE" calculated info contained in "tables" in the ECU

MALF CODE CURRENT - current fault code

MALF CODE HISTORIC - old stored fault code


For this section my explanations are not good . terms like "multipliers", "Factors", "adaptions", "trims", "intergrals" etc. have been hard for me to pin down. Also Delphi or PCHUD doesn't display regular percentage values.

"tuning of the fuel and making adjustments in
closed –loop on the fly is known as : Short Term Fuel Trims.

Major fuel trim adjustments stored in the ECM
memory are known as: Long Term Fuel Trims"


LTFT CELL No - long term fuel trim cell number, (Block Learn) portion of the stored table being used

LTFT CORR FACT - long term fuel trim correction factor,(Block Learn Multiplier (BLM)) IDEAL Number IS 1  EG 1.2 = MORE FUEL, 0.8 = LESS FUEL

CL STFT COUNT - closed loop short term fuel trim count, anything outside of + or - 5 to 10 is bad

CL FUEL CORR FACT - closed loop fuel correction factor (%) in other diag software a reading of outside + or - 5 to 10 is bad, do not know why the percentage reading in PCHUD is so low i think it has the decemal point in the wrong place.

** I think the important thing here is spotting trends, this is made easier if you have made a " recording" in PCHUD when your engine has been fault free **

INL PRESS CORR CELL - inlet pressure correction cell, similar to "LTFT CELL" No but for air pressure ?

INL PRESS CORR FACT - inlet pressure correction factor, similar to "LTFT CORR FACT" but for air pressure ?

INL PRESS COMP - inlet pressure compensation, not sure how this relates ?

IDLE AIR VOL LEARN- idle air volume learning, not sure how this relates ?

IACV COMP TPS- idle air control valve compensation for the throttle position sensor, i think this % is an added amount dependent on temperature. ?

EXPECTED INL PRESS- expected inlet pressure, taking in to acount of input from the sensors the ECU expects the inlet pressure to be this

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