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Old 10-18-2018, 02:54 PM   #30
calvarez   calvarez is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Peoria, AZ
Posts: 334
I have no horse in this race, I will never buy a TT250, and clearly already have an RX3 so I really just don't care. I also am not going to assume my brother is right. If you want to nitpick the one post, of course you can find holes. This turned into a four page thread with people who have been riding all their lives, and he also got an opinion from a paralegal (no not a lawyer). My brother is a mechanic and once had a job replacing parts on an entire container of generators that all had fake US approvals on them. It's pretty common really, not his first time seeing it, which is why he checked all the certifications.

So do what you want with that info, I'm not interested in arguing about it and really don't even have a strong opinion on it. Personally I'd say screw the EPA and have no problem with an illegal muffler.

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