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Old 09-18-2018, 12:15 AM   #4
sqwert   sqwert is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 382
Hurricane. Riding 65mph in right lane of interstate. Semi truck went by at a very high rate of speed, guessing about 130. Double height steel guard rails up the hill to the overpass, big V shape to funnel prevailing winds to blow snow off bridge.

Air turbulence (tornado) lifted the bike straight up high enough the driver 2 cars back could see sky under the tires, above the car between us. Nothing unusual for hurricanes to have tornados along with straight line winds. At apogee the bike began to roll to the right. About 45* of roll and the tank slapper started. The bike on its side is pretty much an airfoil, but my fat butt is not, so when I lost the grips because of the tank slapper, I fell sideways and the bike did not. Took the driver side mirror shaft right in the face at hard tank slapper speed, smashed the helmet, 7 sutures in the forehead, landed head first with 7 or 8 directions of scratch damage all the way through the color of the helmet, bike landed upside down on top of me at 65mph, but I'd already begun
5 days in a coma from the mirror shaft whack.

The witness 2 cars back happened to be an EMT on his way to work, found no pulse in my wrist, thought I was dead, went on to check other victims in other vehicles. Heading back to his car he say me move and pressured the head wound to slow bleeding.

ATGATT is my thing but tore up pants, jacket, both gloves, both boots, helmet, and visor. Other than mirror shaft whack probably would have walked away, until the doctors got ahold. They demobilized the left thumb, but the right thumb was broken, bandaged the right knuckle where the pinky joins the hand, but that knuckle on the left side was the one scraped off. 17 broken bones in one hand, a few more in the other, but my sister is a physical therapist and she gave me things to do to restore range and strength of movement. Still hurts, probably always will, but everything still works as it should.

My son drove up to pick up the remains, punched the starter, bike lite right up, and he rode it up into the back of the truck. Tough bike.

Tall seat is excellent compared to other custom seats that cost the same or more. I just never want to stop.

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