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Old 04-14-2008, 07:47 PM   #6
kelly5150   kelly5150 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 446

Culcune ,
"China Bikes shouldn't be jumped " you wrote ......
Right Oh on that one, at least not jumped like your on a Yamaha .
Mine jumps fine, same bike, but I don't do doubles or tripples and only small singles and not high ones . These bikes aren't KTM's but the Viva's are some of the best built China stuff available .
"China bikes shouldn't be jumped " you worte ... But what if they are stacked 8 high and 12 long ?? !!!

The damping problem is curable with better fork oil and more oil than they put in them on mine . And maybe you might want to adjust them Tokarev , they adjust nicely on mine with the clickers on the fork tops . They sure look cool in Black !!!
I love my Green Weenie Viva too, they are kinda slick bikes, very good low-end for sure like you said . Makes for really nice Burm action powering out of corners into second gear . I could'nt be happier with the bike , it hauls a$$ for what is , especially with Mods . Plus they look SICK !!!!!! As nice or nicer looking than any bike on the Market, KTM or otherwise .

Cheerios , Kelly 5150 out

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