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Old 08-13-2018, 05:31 AM   #17
RC   RC is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: EurAsia
Posts: 46
Stuck is a strong word, and it isn't entirely due to bike issues. But yes a series of events (dog bite followed by a series of rabies vaccinations, wound becoming infected and stitches not holding, denied a visa because not enough empty passport pages, waiting for new passport because the US no longer adds pages because of security reasons, waiting another 10 days for the original visa I had applied) has kept me in one country for the past couple of months.

But the Republic of Georgia is a fantastic country to be stuck in! Its extremely cheap, has some of the worlds best food and wine, very friendly and hospitable locals, and it has an influx of adventurous international travelers. A few days ago I was parked next to 2 other bikes, one from Colombia and one from Australia- quite unique to see such a intercontinental trio since almost every bike here is either Europe or Russia. And it never ever gets boring. I still constantly find new food/drinks to try, and the Georgian cultural norms are full of surprises. I plan to post my blog soon, but I still struggle to find enough time to add content to it.

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