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Old 04-12-2008, 09:11 AM   #10
kelly5150   kelly5150 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 446
If you still have the chain

If you still have your chain that broke or fell off , it will be that size minus your Master Link , Master link face , Master link clip .
Do yourself a favor and buy all the tools required for the job , chain breaker , etc , or your going to really have a hard time doing this job .
Any motorcyle shop carries this stuff or they can do it for you .
I have yet to break a chain in 40 years of riding, but I am good to my bikes and chains and sprockets . My Dad beat that into my head early .
That's why my head still hurts today !

French Toast , TeamCheap, now that sounds yummi before heading out to the shop this morning to wrench on my bikes . I actually don't really like Potatoes that much, I was just giving junior a hard time . Sorry I am an a-holeo . I really do like French Toast though !!!!!! Go French Toast ! Go TeamCheap !!!!

Later , Kelly5150