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Old 04-23-2018, 11:35 PM   #10
Torgo   Torgo is offline
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Originally Posted by nickdowny View Post
Looking at replacing the tires on my bike and wanted to know how much of an improvement the shinko 244's are over the the stock? Basically should I wait tell my stock tires are worn out or go ahead and replace them now?
I have over 3k miles on my 2015 Hawk and I have a set of 244s sitting in a box waiting to be put on. I think I have a couple of hundred miles left in the stock knobbys and I'll run them completely down before I put the new set on. The stock tires were squirrely for the first couple of hundred miles, but settled down with a little wear and some experience with their handling. I've done a majority of my time on the road, and I think they've done just fine. That said, I don't ride in the rain or push the handling.

Even though I'm probably 75-80% road use, I went with the 244s to be a little more aggressive when I do leave the pavement. I can live with the shorter life and reduced handling tradeoff to have a little better off-road tread when I need it.

There seems to be a lot of good, affordable choices with different road/off-road percentages to fit any usage case, but I myself wouldn't be in a rush to lose the stock knobbys unless you really feel they're a complete mismatch for where you're going to ride.

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