Thread: My stable
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Old 07-22-2006, 10:25 AM   #1
HotelRed   HotelRed is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Payson, AZ
Posts: 53
My stable

Hi all. Lets see how this works.
My stable includes a Roketa RSM 200 E5 for either of my sons when they come up here. A Roketa RTK 250 W (water cooled) quad for my daughter-in-law, a 110cc mini bike for my oldest grand daughter and 2 mini 90cc quads for the younger grand daughters. All this for a little less than $4000 in April '06.
The big quad has not much use yet & the only problem so far was electrical. The plug from the ignition key switch (under the right fender) was defective.
On the mini quads one had electrical connections come loose & was hard to trace down but fixed for now. Mainly I am plagged with flat tires. The tubeless tires do not hold air very well. I can air them up & they will be good for most of the day. I have to keep an eye on them tho. I am thinking of putting tubes in them. I will be putting a 12 volt power outlet on the big quad so it can run the Wallyworld compressor.
I am very happy with these so far. If you do not mind a little wrenching then they can't be beat.

Here is my stable:

This is all I have time for now.
Catch you later.

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