Thread: TT250 vs. XF250
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Old 01-09-2018, 10:36 PM   #2
HunterAlex   HunterAlex is offline
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Originally Posted by letsride View Post
Hey Ya'll,
Ifn you were spending this kind of coin on your bike which one would you choose. The TT250 comes in at 2575 and the XF250 comes in at 2849 right now. I know the reported reputation of the TT but know very little of the SSR XF250. It looks like a very nice machine from the web. Lets discuss please, pros and cons of each?
Well im going to start with the pros on the XF250, so far for the pics i found of the SSR XF250, looks like it has a copy of a Suzuki Engine SOHC so its kinda better that the engine of the TT250 wich one is OHV.
It has a "Pro-link" rear suspencion, wich means its better at going in rought terrain and it has 17 inch wheels wich if you want to turn this bike on "motard" its easier
Now the "cons" those 17 inch wheels arent too good for going off road (IMO), the engine, i dont know there, but here where i live, finding parts of those suzuki engines are kinda hard to get
Now going with the TT 250, pros, its has a counterbalanced CG engine, those CG engines are tough like rock and had a lil bit better performance a lower revs than the SOHC engines and spare parts are pretty easy to get, the wheels its has wich one are 21' and 18' are good for off roading.
Cons, the rear suspension its more simple than the one on the XF250 and it will feel a lil bit clumsier at high revs.

About look, both bikes look pretty good to me

That is my opinion so far, judging by the pictures on the XF and the TT and comparing it to similar bikes here in my country

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