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Old 10-23-2017, 02:44 PM   #12
NickThrash   NickThrash is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Ohio
Posts: 154
Originally Posted by Megadan View Post
They are known as Studs, as Jerry mentioned. Studs are far more common than bolts for exhaust systems for a multitude of reasons.

All of the suggestions given are good ones. Just make sure to take your time and be very patient.

I would recommend replacing both studs with new ones. That would be my only addition to the advice given here. If you can, find stainless steel studs, and replace all of the hardware with the same, and use a lock washer as well as a second nut on each one to help keep them from vibrating loose. Also, make sure to use anti-sieze on the threads of the studs that go into the cylinder head. You will be glad you did down the road.

Lastly, if you do screw up the head trying to remove the stud, don't sweat it too much. You can go to an offset sized stud, or even replace the cylinder head for a modest amount of money. I picked up a second head for $50.

Oh thanks for that info. That was very informative from both of you.

At first i thought they couldnt be removed because i saw no way of removing them. So how do you remove them? or do they both just have to be drilled out or "Nut welded" out?

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