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Old 09-05-2017, 10:57 AM   #2
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
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Might be time to pull the carburetor and clean out the jets, bowl, and every tiny hole you can find... these small engines use really small jets that like to clog up

Change out the fuel hose and add/upgrade to a good fuel filter if you haven't already... these chinese hoses like to break apart from the inside out filling your carburetor with rubber bits

Did you clean out the fuel tank before filling up with gas and taking the bike for a spin? A few people (I'm one of those 'few') have had crud built up inside the chinese gas tank and it sends all that crap down stream to the carb fairly quickly...

Don't worry if the carb came "sealed with tamper screws"... tons of ways to get those out and replaced with good quality ones that can be removed any time with tools (flat head screw driver and allen bits usually)
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