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Old 07-26-2017, 01:16 PM   #18
Wigwam Jones   Wigwam Jones is offline
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Originally Posted by 2LZ View Post
No offense taken whatsoever. The concern is totally understandable, especially since you're just now getting in to this.

You will find that the vast majority of CB vendors/drop shippers have horrible ratings on BBB. To the best of my knowledge, only CSC has a stellar reputation.

I've purchased from SPS, as did Swampy, and we both were treated correctly. It's really luck of the draw. SPS is in So Cal, as is Powersports Max (very close to each other). Both have bad reps on BBB but also seem to be some of the largest warehouse/shippers.

I'd roll the dice with SPS again just because they were straight with me the first time. Who knows about the second?

Whoever you decide to order from, take their estimated delivery, add a month and be surprised if it arrives sooner.
I absolutely understand what you are saying. I believe you too. I'm sure that none of these vendors are 100% terrible, no matter what their ratings on BBB.

But as you said, luck of the draw. That, and the buyer's willingness to accept risk.

In the past couple of days, I have seen several horror stories, here and on other sites for other Chinese vendors. For example, the post following yours. I've read lots of stories of people receiving nothing at all. Or a pile of broken stuff. In some cases, I think the people complaining are not the right kind of buyers in the first place. As some have said here, buying these kinds of bikes really requires a person to have a DIY ethic and a willingness to accept that it won't be plug-and-play, nor can you get away without a willingness to turn a wrench or fix something on your own. I read one person being upset because he could not get a replacement chain from the vendor under warranty. Well, chains are sold everywhere. I get that.

However, here's a great one I saw on FB. Seems a guy bought a (certain brand sold in Cleveland) and when he tried to register it, it seems the MCO was a duplicate of another MCO that was already registered in 2013. Oops.

I haven't read the vendor (a US vendor, not a drop-shipper kind of guy) saying they were going to stand good; instead the buyer is left posting pleas for the person with the duplicate MCO to get in touch with him, and he cannot register the bike; not with the usual tricks either, since a duplicate MCO is denied in EVERY state.

That's the kind of thing that makes me take a step back. I am too old to risk my money on that kind of thing. I can turn a wrench. I can do maintenance. I am not going to pour my money into a purchase that I cannot legally do anything with. That's a non-starter for me right there.

The risk, I am pretty sure, is low overall. Lots of happy riders. Lots of people willing to pitch in and help out (such as in this very forum). That's all on the plus side. But one has to consider the risk if one is living on the few remaining earning years of one's life, you know?

FYI, there are a few Hawk and Magician dealers I've found with BBB A+ ratings, and a few with A and B that I'd be pretty comfortable with. I'm currently saving my nickles and trying to make a decision.

I am not recommending these guys because I have no personal knowlege of them, but this is, IMHO, a good BBB rating:

Some of the things I am looking for when I evaluate a dealer are a physical address listed on the website (I am old, but I'm a US Marine veteran and I have no problem showing up in person if need be to settle an issue), a business license (yes, funny thing, if they pay taxes they tend to be more willing to talk and not run away or ignore), and a BBB affiliation on their website (a real one, not a bogus one). I won't send thousands of dollars to a guy with a website and an 800 number but no physical street address.

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