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Old 05-25-2017, 02:10 PM   #4
JohnWayne007   JohnWayne007 is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Canada
Posts: 41
Originally Posted by Swampy View Post
Howdy John,

Others have added more airflow (better filter-less restrictive muffler) but I would suggest checking your CVT unit. Depending on the age and use you could replace springs and/or weights to get better performance out of it. I would suggest you also check and if need be adjust the valves.

Member Weldangrind has a really good thread regarding your “Box” on the rear axle (reverse).

I honestly don’t know how much of a gain for the buck you could get out of a big bore kit on these little 150s.

I am running my 150s stock except for a better foam filter and have been really happy with the power they deliver. Get your used GY6 and CVT back to new condition and you may be surprised with the power.

Whatever you end up doing please share your experiences, it’s great to see others projects.

Thanks for the replies guys, i only mentioned the big bore kit due to installing them on alot of dirt bike motors ive worked on. I was ordering parts on my dealership account at and noticed there was a GY6 big bore kit for next to nothing and threw it on my next parts list i plan to order. But i may go with a whole new CVT unit, i can get the whole CVT setup with belt included for less than $80CAD, i may go with the smaller weight setup like mentioned also and see where that takes me.

I was actually just reading weldandgrinds thread you mentioned and im going to follow the instruction in it and service the box on the rear axle. This ATV is a 2007 and i know the previous owner is the original owner and never bothered with any kind of upgrades so im almost certain theres alot of parts warn out. I never got to see it running or taken it on a test drive until i installed the Donor CDI so i just assumed the Donor CDI had made is slower. This is my first GY6 motor ive worked on so it is a little new to me, hense why im asking opinions from those who know them a little better.

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