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Old 03-16-2008, 01:09 PM   #6
Universal_Diver   Universal_Diver is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Orlando Florida the toilet of the south
Posts: 171
I was going to use the fusion paint as I have in the past on other stuff and it worked perfectly, but a coworker had some 2 part paint already mixed up so we added flex agent and he sprayed it with the stuff he was already painting.

The stickers are clear coated which sucked for removal. I scraped with my fingernail to lift an edge then peeled. The used a LIGHT beadblaster to scuff it and then 320 grit to get it all smooth.
Looks like factory. :wink:

I am going to do something with the tank as well, just not sure what.
Fot the seat a quick wipe with a rag soaked in Acetone followed with Meguires leather (I know its not leather) conditioner and it seems ok.

Here is a better pic of the painted sides...

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