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Old 03-09-2008, 01:17 AM   #13
knothead   knothead is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: In the land of the busted up ricebowl
Posts: 815
Originally Posted by zapkin
if some are too tight and others are too loose can I loosen them all and then tighten them up one by one and get it even close to straight?
You could, but it's way more work than you need to put into it. When a couple of spokes loosen, the tension they loose can be transferred to the surrounding spoke making them tighter (sometimes enough to break them). You have to look at the rim, spokes and hub as a system, a change at one point affects the whole thing. Loosen them all and you'll need to adjust the lateral centering of the rim, vertical centering, roundness and trueness.
Just work on the loose ones and be mindful of keeping the rim true, when you tighten a couple of spokes, spin the wheel and watch the runout in both directions, check the tension on ALL of the spokes periodically as you work, go slow and you will be fine. Find a how to online and follow just that one, but if you run into trouble just ask. It's not hard to do. Just remember that once you start getting some tension in the spokes, MAKE SMALL ADJUSTMENTS! 1/4 turn can be big, 1/8th is better.

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