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Old 04-02-2017, 11:35 PM   #11
Ski_rush   Ski_rush is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 449
David3921, thanks for the photos. I understand it better now.

I have a makeshift tool made from metal rods. My father in law in an ex-farmer and has a lot of misc tools and parts. He had some steel rods (with a square tip) that are meant to connect to one another and then turn a scissor jack that's placed under a tractor; so when connected it is over 3 long. The tip is square and about 3-4mm on each side.

I used the tool to take the hex bolt back out. It worked fine for that. I didn't try to use it yet to re-assemble the the fork yet. The reason being that I'm contemplating putting a rubber washer on the hex bolt...which, if I do, will need to wait until morning when the store opens. What are you thoughts on this?

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