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Old 02-23-2017, 09:47 PM   #22
pistolclass   pistolclass is offline
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Originally Posted by Ariel Red Hunter View Post
The cassien in condensed milk with stands the heat of drilling better than dino oil. I'm sure by now they have much better hi temp oils than they had in the 1980's. I put half and half in my coffee. I never liked "canned cow" in my coffee....ARH
ARH you are a true resource of knowledge. You remind me a bunch of my father in law. He is a super awesome dude. He is 92 years old and a wealth of info. He can get by with nothing. He still lives on the farm he was born on in the 20's. He gets up every day at 4:30 am ( I had no idea there was a 4:30 am I thought 4:30 was only in the PM) to tend to the Chickens, rabbits and other small animals. He got rid of the big animal about 10 years ago, cuz A-hole neighbors kept cutting the fence and chasing cow at 1:00 am sucks.

I swear if there was a massive EMP and we were all thrust into the dark ages my father in law might not even know. He still slaughters and grows his own food. They have a gravity well still pumping water. My 5 year old son hangs out with him nearly every day because I know if it beneficial to both.

I joke about almost everything but know that I'm listening and learning as much as I can.

For the Math experts out there the reason a 92 year old has a 5 year old grandson is that he started having babies at 50! well at least he much younger wife.

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