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Old 01-05-2017, 10:44 PM   #55
pyoungbl   pyoungbl is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Posts: 632
AD, until I get a lot more information about what happened I'm in no position to call these guys quitters. As I understand it, on the Dakar race if you limp in way over the allotted time you are disqualified. That's not quitting. As for the military side, there is a point where common sense trumps dogged determination. If my company is assaulting a hill and we take 50% casualties it's stupid to execute the last 50% of my force just for form. You fall back and come up with a better plan. That way you succeed in the end. It's the end result that counts. In the case of Dakar, if a rider is at risk of dying from heat exhaustion it's stupid to press on. This is just a race, not a fight to the death. I'd appreciate anyone giving the extra effort to drag themselves across the finish line in spite of a busted bike and broken leg. That makes a great story. Dying of heat stroke for a motorcycle race...that's foolish. Once again, I don't have enough information to form an opinion. BTW, my military experience also proved that first reports are ALWAYS wrong. Let's let the dust settle and then revisit this.

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