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Old 12-08-2016, 06:01 PM   #12
letsride   letsride is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Leesville SC
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Originally Posted by FamilyGoKarts View Post
Hey guys, Brad from FamilyGoKarts here. I've been following this thread since your first post, and just wanted to chime in to let you know how much we appreciate the comments from everyone.

Really sorry about the PayPal mixup, but it only delays your order by a couple days. You should be OK.

We try really hard to make sure every customer is 100% satisfied. We're aware that our order process is a bit involved, but as I'm sure you already know, ordering and shipping ATVs and GoKarts is not as simple as most online shopping. There's a fair amount of paperwork, and we make it a policy to personally speak with each customer about their order before it ships. Then, of course, there's the logistics of delivering a package as big and heavy as a four-wheeler! Despite our best efforts, the whole process does not always go perfectly; especially in the midst of the Christmas rush.

We're constantly looking for ways to improve the process, and oftentimes it's tough to get quality feedback like you're providing here. So, thank you again for this post. The feedback really helps.

I'll continue monitoring this thread and look forward to your followup posts. If there's anything I can do or any questions you have, please don't hesitate to let me know. If I don't have an answer, I'll find someone who does!

Hope your little one enjoys his new ATV, and you and yours have a Merry Christmas!
Well Hello Brad,
Thank you for joining here at China Riders. I really appreciate the reply. With all the shady business practices out there on the interwebs and OUR insatiable appetite for the products. This forum is a very helpful tool for us to find retailers that are reputable and take care of their customers. Some of the reviews here are almost unbelievable they are so bad. I had to do a bit of homework to find you guys and so far I'm glad I did. To reiterate I was actually blown away at your ordering process. I actually liked it. And was happy to go through every step asked. Its not too much at all. In fact I think lots of retailers could learn a thing or two from ya'll.

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