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Old 09-29-2016, 05:39 AM   #3
NoVa Rider   NoVa Rider is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 144
390 miles (indicated) on my RX3 last Saturday. Did a light camping trip from the DC area out to Ohio with some friends, had a great time but decided to head back a bit early since the night-time temps were dropping. Left Newcomerstown OH at 7:30. Took great winding back roads including rt 800 to cross the Ohio by ferry at Sistersville, then more back roads to link up with Rt 50, which I followed all the way back to DC.

Early part of the trip was fairly slow because of hills and curves, but made up some time on Rt 50. Back home at 6:00. RX3 ran flawlessly, and while I was tired after 10 1/2 hours of pretty much straight riding, I was still having fun.

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