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Old 09-18-2016, 08:40 PM   #9
Azhule   Azhule is offline
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The same crashes and scratches on his KLR or DR and he would laugh for hours on end and call it "adding character to the bike" at the end of the day... do it to his Chinese RX3, and it's automatically "because it's cheap and made in China, it's not going to last, I'm going to baby it from this day forward because of a few scratches"

Sorry you don't like your RX3 CSaddict, some people will never feel safe with a small 250 on the 65 - 80+ mph "highways" we have, I know some days I feel like taking the slower side roads because of traffic being insane and I'm on the little Bashan 200... but most days you will see me riding at 70+ to get to my destination

I also notice almost everyone is riding with all those big CSC side boxes... maybe remove those big heavy ace bricks that are creating massive amounts of drag against the air, your bikes will go a wee bit faster at "highway" speeds who knows... it might even be a bit faster than a Prius getting up to speed too
"Think as you like... but this self proclaimed Professor is always right" - Buckshot

"You never know what someone is hiding beneath their smile..." - NinjaTom - R.I.P.

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