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Old 08-17-2016, 11:52 AM   #9
Weldangrind   Weldangrind is offline
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Location: Sardis, BC, Canada
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If humidity becomes a problem, you can capture it with calcium chloride; it's a trick I use in my trailer in the winter.

Just pick up a colander / strainer at the local dollar store, and find a pail that it can sit on (I found a small mop bucket at the dollar store that worked perfectly). Pour some generic calcium chloride into the colander, and moisture will be trapped and directed into the pail. Dri-Z-Air is the commercial stuff, but I get the generic version for cheap at the local RV place.

"I figure I'm well-prepared for coping with a bike that comes from the factory with unresolved issues and that rewards the self-reliant owner." - Buccaneer

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