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Old 08-16-2016, 01:00 AM   #4
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
Posts: 1,525
Excellent news! More people going for the ride!

Now some bad news for those who want to ride with me... I have some rules on my scheduled rides!

4 Rules on my rides everyone must follow...

1) Ride safe and at your own pace, some riders have more skill or better tires/suspension/etc. than you do... don't try to keep their pace... slow and steady "win the race"

2) I like to ride with the "Buddy System" employed... basically... try to keep (at least) 1 other person on this trip in your mirror (read rule 3)... everyone can see the leaders... it's always the riders at the rear of the group that get lost forever ... but by all means, if you want to ride fast, memorize our route and we will see you at the next gas station

3) Just like a good leader... in my motorcycle army... No one gets left behind! If you need to stop for any reason just flash your lights and turn signals if you can, or wave everyone down if you have electrical problems and no lights... either way with rule 2 going down, you shouldn't be left behind for long, we will turn around and see what the problem is

and the most important rule of all

4) Everyone must Have fun!

If you don't think you can follow these 4 insanely hard rules... please feel free to stay home and look at any pics we post up
"Think as you like... but this self proclaimed Professor is always right" - Buckshot

"You never know what someone is hiding beneath their smile..." - NinjaTom - R.I.P.

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