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Old 07-28-2016, 02:43 PM   #58
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
Posts: 1,525
If you would actually read through any one of my threads, nowhere in any of them did I "Hide the fact" of a $300 refund or getting the paperwork to title/plate the Bashan...

Check out my first post in my DB-03-200 thread... first post even I have had that listed forever... only thing that updates on that first post is MPG, current mods, and jetting settings...

So how about you stop Hiding the fact about us having to fight with you several times on the Phone and through Emails... most of them went unanswered... only after we did a PayPal Dispute, then finally you get you off your ass and do your 'yob... or what was it you say... "Care about the customer"...

I also didn't "Hide any facts" like you are doing by picking and choosing what emails and information of my wife's to post up for everyone to read... I'm sure everyone here can see exactly how you treated the Mrs. and I as a customer... and still treat us as a customer...

Every now and again you call us trying to get us to buy another bike/atv... or just the other day when you signed up to this forum not only did you call us at 9 PM asking us to 'give you a good review on a internet website'... you also send me a Private Message telling me "Hi please give us a call if you are interested in buying a HAWK 250cc"... not even knowing you already ripped me off and harassed the crap out of us before... as the "Dealer" this is unacceptable behavior...

No thank you to all your nonsense... and I highly suggest everyone else does the same and stay away from all of his companies...

Unless you want you or your wife's personal info blasted across the internet after you 'Bad mouth any of his shady businesses', even if you are in the right... TxPowerSports, 360PowerSports and the half dozen+ other names this chump goes by...

Just so you know "Manny"... I'm thinking of filing a complaint to BOTH the Texas BMV and the FTC about your recent actions in posting our personal info on the internet...

I'm also thinking about contacting a Lawyer to see if any actions can be brought to you this way also... what you did above is NOT how a respected business owner behaves... your wronged a customer and are now trying to do permanent damage by posting personal info that leads to Identity theft and Fraud... I posted EVERYTHING that happened basically "as it happened"...

So again... anyone else that wants to deal with this kind of bull... go ahead and order from the douche bag of the universe and any one of his companies...

I also remembered a nice quote for you to put on all your store windows... maybe rattle can your personal cars with it too ... hell do a local commercial with it wearing a fancy Cow Boy Hat so everyone knows you are a big turd that sucks raw donkey an**......

Anyway here it is, just for you and your 'Manny' err 'many' companies

"You can only polish a turd so much" ... "And in the end, you will still have something that stinks ... So why not buy from me and one of my 'many' 'Manny' Freshly Polished Stealerships, they are all under different names, but you can always find us by the stench!"

And for the last time "Manny"... Stop signing that name on the damn MCO/MSO paperwork... that's not your Full Legal Name! We... as a customer going to the BMV to get a title and plates... need a Full Legal Name... "Manny" is not your "Full Legal Name" in America is it? NO! So stop using it...

again for the poor customer service Manny... your (unedited) post above shows your true character.

Thanks again Kato for helping me out almost all day yesterday I can't believe it came to that nonsense above... did my one honest and truthful review really hurt his business that much?!?

Time for me to be the bigger man and 'walk away' before I keep typing... I have a few phone calls to make after all...
"Think as you like... but this self proclaimed Professor is always right" - Buckshot

"You never know what someone is hiding beneath their smile..." - NinjaTom - R.I.P.

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