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Old 06-17-2016, 11:43 AM   #7
SeerAtlas   SeerAtlas is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackBike View Post
So, you are saying that rust is such a common problem on ALL BIKES , their are products made to combat this common rust issue that occurs on ALL BIKES. interesting...
VERY interesting,,I'm with Black on this one!
I almost NEVER sell a bike I've bought unless it turns out to be NOTHING like what i was expecting after a very in depth research, examination, test ride etc. -which i do before a purchase. consequently I have several garages of bikes,including several bikes purchased over 30 years ago, from a number of different manufacturers. I have NEVER had a welded piece rust off, that's NEVER! I've had some cheap ass oem screws and bolts go bad, but stainless replacements were easy to come by.

On this board, almost ten years ago, is the long THREAD of my first china bike, "WALDO" along with a bunch of high def photos of running him thru rivers, mountain mudholes etc.He's the cheapest "pos" bike I ever bought.
Waldo is still alive, runs great, NO rusted frame parts. I think i paid something around 7 or 800$ for him, and abit more for shipping. He is NOT a Zong....and the welds look like something a five year old did, but they haven't rusted.....and he's spent his life in the dirt, the mud, and crossing water..
In short, rust on "ALL BIKES" my azz.....
Seer's First LAW-"FLY THE PLANE!", fail that, and nothing else matters. 12th Law- Consider what marvels you might do if only you had tomorrow to live over again. Third Law-When someone tells you some thing "Can't Be Done", what they're really saying is They can't do it!!14th Law-Just because something "IS", doesn't necessarily mean it SHOULD be.. Eighth Law-The only true personal security is anonymity.Ninth Law-Humans tend to learn very little when speaking.10th Law-Some lives ARE worth taking

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