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Old 05-16-2016, 07:30 PM   #1
Riceburner   Riceburner is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Tigbauan, Iloilo City, Panay Island, Philippines
Posts: 177
Originally Posted by dpl096 View Post
CSaddict .... Hate to hear of your tranny problem but CSC responsiveness to this issue is extremely satisfying. Real customer support, after the sale mind you, without the often touted benefit of a local dealer to rip you off... Where are the doom and gloom naysayers now? New business approach using good old fashioned customer support as a cornerstone ...who'd a thunk it! I hope you're up and running soon CS.

This is exactly why I sold my bike after only 9 months and less than 5,00 km of ownership. Not all RX3's are bad or have problems most seem well built. I've had issues in the past with other new bikes and car from time to time but my particular RX3 was a bad one from the day I took delivery.

The first was the bad Carb and six months of goofing with the dealer, the headlight switch, the clutch bushings. With my location and my dealer it makes owning this bike a real annoyance. Buyers here have to deal with Motorstar and the general Philippine business to customer service of which there isn't any customer service. Also the problem with Motorstar not having spare parts on hand.

My bike could be used as a basis for people that say China bikes suck, it could be the "Poster Child" for such a campaign.

I sold mine due to lack of dealer support and parts availability. Yes I can buy parts from Taobao and have done so but I just never got fuzzy wuzzy or bonded with my bike and I'd attribute it to the lack of dealer care with my first issue of the Carb;. It ran so bad from day two and I never became attached.

I've said in many posts that you folks in the US having CSC as a dealer and with excellent C/S are lucky . If I had had that kind of support here from the beginning I'd probably still be riding my RX3. The price is right and the features and accessories make it a good value but for me, if I can't ride it and ride with confidence in the operation of the engine then there is no to little value.

Because of where I live, here in Iloilo, Panay Island, Philippines and having ridden many kilometers/miles and with many friends the Honda TMX or XRM, the Yamaha YBR or Suzuki 125 bikes are IMHO the best (for what I do and where I go). You can get them fixed anywhere way out in the back country. There are little motor bike shops even in some of the most remote places and the TMX clutch plates are interchangeable with the YBR and several others. Clutch and brake cables can be gotten easily and swapped out. You'll see TMX's way out in nowhere land carrying three passengers and the driver going on the roughest roads and river crossings, they amaze me. They aren't fancy and they wont go 140 KPH but you can get it fixed anywhere.
Robin / Face Hunter I
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