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Old 04-26-2016, 08:45 AM   #4
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
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Factory sprocket had 4 bolt holes and was a 56t for some reason...

4 bolts/holes 90mm apart, here is a pic of the JT269.39 (this sprocket has 8 holes) installed on the Mrs. Bashan WILL.

Check the distance, if it's 90mm decide from there how much extra 'HP/Torque/MPH' you think the Storm 250 has to offer. Rider weight, motorcycle performance/weight, altitude, and several other factors come into play when choosing sprockets/gearing... again, I picked the 39t because it was in my budget and after I'm done with this Bashan build, I figured it would have plenty of extra 'oomph' for the 17t front 39t rear 'highway gearing'
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