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Old 02-20-2016, 06:14 PM   #24
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
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Had a fun little ride with the new exhaust parts installed and 142 main jet, great time but something was still a little off... it has plenty more power than the stock exhaust with a properly tuned carb... it just didn't feel/sound/smell right when riding/testing things... well I got home after a nice ride to the store and I decided to remove the air filter cover as a starting diagnosis point... ahhh, much better when it can breath both in and out at a mile high

The other week after I installed the 17t front sprocket I went out for a ride and had to battle 40+mph winds, the bike was full throttle and maxed out in power at 60 - 65mph on the roads/hills/winds I was dealing with... well with the new exhaust and about the same amount of winds/hills/roads/temp on my ride today (first carb tune after exhaust mod), and I am able to just cruise around now and still have plenty of throttle left to accelerate up to and past 75+ (indicated speed, no GPS today on my ride ), well worth the $ spent

I followed the Mrs. to the local Bulk Box store and home, for some reason she kept trying to race a bit on the way home lol, I think she wants to hear that lovely exhaust tone we just upgraded to, but she denies even racing up to speed (sooo, you didn't blip the gas pedal a few times at just before the light turned green? cause you promptly took off like a rocket making me chase after you ? I know I have a helmet and earplugs in but I can still hear a car next to me rev at the red light )
"Think as you like... but this self proclaimed Professor is always right" - Buckshot

"You never know what someone is hiding beneath their smile..." - NinjaTom - R.I.P.

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