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Old 02-03-2016, 12:38 PM   #8
SeerAtlas   SeerAtlas is offline
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Originally Posted by fishtime9 View Post
I just got my hawk 250cc from the freight forwarder company. However, i noticed that the assembly instructions are missing. Could somebody please give me a short description of what has to be done, or even just scan the pages and upload them? I would be more than thankful, as well as my MCO came blank. Does this mean i have to fill it out by my own and sign with a false name for the representative?
when u put it together, top up the engine oil before you start it for the first time. bout middle of sight glass when holding the bike verticlal off the side stand. very very little and crappy oil at that from factory. start it , let it run a minute or two at idle to get the oil temp up, then shut it off and immediately drain the oil from both the lower left side plug, (pull spring and strainer and clean off any thing there) , AND from oil drain plug on bottom of motor. you must do both to get it all out. pour a bit of fresh dino oil in till it runs out clear then stop and replace plugs. now fill to halfway up sight glass and restart engine. allow to warm up then shut it off and recheck sight glass. you should need to add a bit more oil to top up. now go start your breakin procedure for an hour or so, But!!!!, before you try your first ride!!!, CHECK tightness of EVERY bolt, screw, nut you can get too!!!. Especially the bolts holding the brake calipers! ( They are Very frequently not torqued to spec. Locktight (blue) any nut you can"t live without If you miss those caliper nuts, your first ride can come to a Very sudden stop. Be sure and check wiring harness location and zip tie it where you don"t want it swinging around and eventually abrading or catching on fire from rubbing on the hot cylinder head or other wise shorting out. be especially thorough on the wiring and connectors near the fuel lines, frame, and cylinder. you will know em when you see em.

Couple more things, its not a bad idea to hook up one of those battery charger connector cables to your batt during assembly. Check the trueness and spoke tightness of both wheels, and air up those knobbies to suit your own weight and road surface. factory specs were high for me on the large gravel/rock stuff i have here., made the bike almost unrideable.

Last thing, you will probably notice the clutch lever is damned stiff. Not a big deal. the problem is the chinese reticence to lube pretty much anything. You will save yourself a lot of stress and anxiety by removing the clutch cable from the handlebar lever and dripping some lube, machine oil etc., down it, also throw some grease on both the axle shafts, the rear shock mount, especially the speedo cable and front fork hub speedo receptor housing: all during assembly. Also look at your chain, clean, lube and adjust! Way too tight from factory on mine.

at some point you will probably want to order up a 16 0r 17 tooth countershaft sprocket from amazon or ebay, unless 30 something mph is what you look forward to. I was told the hawk was designed for primary use in rural parts of Africa and South America and i believe it having been both places. If you like rough terrain, you are going to like those tires. On wet pavement do NOT be playing "joe racer"

In closing, Just remember the old saying," (good) fortune favors the prepared", prep your hawk right, and get ready for many many smile filled miles
In time i think you will consider the Hawk one of the Great deals in motorcycling.
(ok last last thing. call your seller on the MSO, i had a blank one too, the real filled out one arrived in mail two days after bike
Seer's First LAW-"FLY THE PLANE!", fail that, and nothing else matters. 12th Law- Consider what marvels you might do if only you had tomorrow to live over again. Third Law-When someone tells you some thing "Can't Be Done", what they're really saying is They can't do it!!14th Law-Just because something "IS", doesn't necessarily mean it SHOULD be.. Eighth Law-The only true personal security is anonymity.Ninth Law-Humans tend to learn very little when speaking.10th Law-Some lives ARE worth taking

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