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Old 01-25-2016, 09:51 AM   #4
SeerAtlas   SeerAtlas is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 770
Thumbs Up south america

there is a mcyle dealer in peru that posts on the horizon board. he specializes in buying and fully prepping, documenting, and setting up one of several kinds of bikes for budget american travelers. you fly in to peru, ride around a bit till your papers arrive in your name then head out wherever u want.
If come back his way, he will buy the bike back. easy peasy.
one english couple has posted a blog on their whole trip, including chile and argentina etc.
lots of peeps have vouched for this guy, an expat. i think somewhere on this board someone posted his info.

very inexpensive, and extremely practical. let me try to run down his info
Seer's First LAW-"FLY THE PLANE!", fail that, and nothing else matters. 12th Law- Consider what marvels you might do if only you had tomorrow to live over again. Third Law-When someone tells you some thing "Can't Be Done", what they're really saying is They can't do it!!14th Law-Just because something "IS", doesn't necessarily mean it SHOULD be.. Eighth Law-The only true personal security is anonymity.Ninth Law-Humans tend to learn very little when speaking.10th Law-Some lives ARE worth taking

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