Thread: lifan 200 gy-5
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Old 11-14-2007, 08:35 PM   #17
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How I came to want a Chinabike

I was riding my mountain bike through wheeling and saw one of the Lifans sitting on the sidewalk outside of Wheeling Cycle. I walked up and saw the sticker price was less than $2000.00. Immediately my mind was carried back to 1986 when I lived in Knoxville Tennessee and rode my little Kawasaki 100 dual sport all over the back roads for a summer and part of fall. I think back on those days fondly and when I saw that Lifan sitting there, I knew I wanted one. It is a damned nice looking bike. I want a red one, my Kawasaki was red. I guess I just want to recapture a bit of one of the best summers of my life.

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