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Old 09-30-2015, 04:39 AM   #36
tmec808   tmec808 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 27
thank you for the response wade.

i knew if i started a forum post you would start to reply to me. sorry but it gets a little frustrating when you will only send me txt and only at your convenience.

i understand this is a business matter but i get worried when i spend money on a product and don't get what i paid for and, with no timely response from the seller i will try to find help wherever i can.

you say
"this forum is a public domain, it is not appropriate and it is irresponsible to bad mouth a company when an issue or a claim is still in process"

but you post on this forum before sending me an email or giving me any updates for over 3 days. is that appropriate?

i don't feel businesses should hide these issues. This forum will be a great place for people/consumers to see exactly what they will be getting into when/if something like this occurs

you keep telling me how we can "fix" this defective unit, but, as I've said before many times i don't feel it is safe for me to run a bigger aftermarket chain roller and chain guide to "fix" this issue. (It seems every time i express this you stop responding to my emails/txt.)

On top of that i have tried to install both items 1. bigger roller and guide 2. chain guide attached to rear swing arm (all at the expense of my own time and efforts) and both did not fix/help the issue.

please let me know if you will send me a replacement unit, or, you can send me a replacement frame and get a quote from one of the local bike shops and send them payment for the work to be done.

either way would work fine.

i am not a unreasonable person, but i do not feel safe renting this particular vehicle out. I'm sure if anyone visits Kauai, Hawaii and knew of this issue they definitely would not feel safe riding/renting the bike either.

if you respond directly to me and in a timely matter we can leave the rest out of this forum

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