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Old 06-03-2015, 12:12 PM   #55
Jibberwobble   Jibberwobble is offline
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The wires for connection to the bikes own loom (power) are doing my head in a bit too so will need to contact Mr Yang again. there are four in this group, two green earths, one red with grey stripe and one black. Then in a typical fashion from a few chinese looms I've seen they supply a plug with tails for joining this power connection to the bike but the wires come out of the plug different to what they went in as. I dont know if this is in some way an effort to normalise the colour coding to be the same as western conventions????

So this power connection plug has the red/grey, black and two greens going into it from the efi loom on the other side of the this plug (bike loom side) the red/grey wire turns into a green with white stripe, the black turns into a red, one green turns into a blue with white stripe and the other green remains green!

The red/grey also goes to the MIL light. The wiring diagram shows the other side of the MIL light joining the black wire going this plug. To add further confusion the diagram shows the MIL light after the plug not before it. Looking at the diagram it looks like the (efi loom/pre plug colours) the red/grey and black wires both terminate at ignition live but it's not laid out the same as the diagram in real life. Looking down at the bottom right of the diagram is this the on/off switch I wonder?

Im just trying to work out how to get Google to translate this!

Still awake anyone?

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