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Old 04-06-2015, 11:45 PM   #3
Smitty0390   Smitty0390 is offline
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Originally Posted by Adjuster View Post
Your frame has little hash marks at the axle holes to gauge where you tighten down the axle nuts and chain tensioners. They should match on both sides of the bike to make your wheel straight. After you adjust the chain tensioners and then tighten down the axle nuts mark your frame and tensioners with a pen or pencil or chalk or marker or anything. Take the bike for a good ride. If after the ride the chain has loosened check the marks on the frame you made to see if the axle has slipped from where you have tightened it down. If it did add a couple of these under each axle nut.

Edit: Add the lock washers under each chain tensioner so the washer is between the tensioner and the frame.

Edit Again: My bike has no lock washers and the axle has never slipped. Are you sure you are tightening the bolt down enough? The axle nuts have to be pretty snug. Do you own a torque wrench?

Ill check the marks tomorrow and see how much they move. It could be that I am not wrenching them down enough, Im just using a ratchet and box wrench, but I havent really been cranking down on it too hard, just tight enough. Someone told me that they weren't supposed to be torqued down real hard. Obviously they were full of it lol. And yea, my tire is baaad.

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