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Old 01-12-2015, 07:22 AM   #6
thillskier   thillskier is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 223
Great, just what is needed for me to know what is wanted needed:).

course, it seems that there are two opposite views re this rides time and way to do it.
I was thinking a week riding, more or less, not including the flight out and a day to assemble and test the bike, as well as change the seat, add some storage (aforementioned tank and loop bags), pack the bike and hopefully get at least 50-100 miles on it, to see what needs immediate attention (if anything), and get the initial stretch out of the chain.
Mark, I agree re the plains, There is a REASON that there are no trees that grow there, or the few that do, are tilted away from the wind direction (REALLY)! hehe
That area also does fine riding the long days since there really isn't anything to see or do really there, and making miles to a more hospital place does make sense in that situation (to me). However, I wouldn't mind (actually would really enjoy and appreciate seeing the Havasu Lake area, and meeting up with some owners along the way back to ride, or just discuss bikes and whatever comes to mind, along with a beer or 3.
There are some great deals in border towns as well re hotels and food, also, as well as fun stuff to do.

So I guess I'm kinda in the middle here. Also doesn't seem viable to try to get any camp space or rooms eithout a schedule, and as everone experienced in mc and other cross country travel knows, ymmv daily, for many reasons.

I think I'll leave this up for now, and see who is interested in what type of ride...maybe be 2 or even 3 groups of riders based on time to do trip etc.
Thanks for your input everyone, and GL with your ride and planning.

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