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Old 08-17-2014, 12:45 PM   #10
culcune   culcune is offline
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Location: Yuma, Arizona
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I bet Lifanda could, considering that you are a competent mechanic, and know these bikes well. What I find refreshing about this ride is the time I used to spend on Horizonsunlimited and their HUBB. Being an international riding site, there were always people from Europe, Australia, or New Zealand wondering what bike they should use to get from coast to coast in the US or Canada, or both. Of course, the replies were always related to interstate travel, so the obvious choices being expensive bikes, mainly BMWs.

This ride was done on back roads on little bikes. A new BMS or SSR model of the scooter (they both sell pretty much the same Znen model) would be something like $1300 or maybe less, and I have seen the Skyteam CT clone with the 125cc engines sold as low as $900 (ask Birdmove--he knows all the places selling these ), so it proves that one could replicate a long trip on back roads using low-cost bikes. I would not hesitate to do this ride on my TMEC 200 for instance (okay, I would hesitate, but I would also hesitate on a Znen 150cc scooter or Skyteam 125cc CT-clone).

Come to think of it, my choice of scooter would be the Tao Tao BWS 150cc since it has a back-up kick-starter and has some semblance of being dirt-road worthy, and probably my TMEC 200 or one of the Bashan enduro bikes (once they have been sorted out by the few people who bought them--otherwise, stick to the TMEC). I would still like to try the Cannonball ride (the original Cannonball ride from 1912, or as close to it as I could find on back roads, not the 1980s comedy run which some people still participate in on interstates in Ferraris or Lamborghinis and such) because it amazes me that someone so long ago on such primitive roads and machine could accomplish such as long ride in such as short time--back in the early 1900's! A Chinabike would be perfect for such as run, being close in spirit to the original bikes.
"They say that life's a carousel, spinning fast you got to ride it well..."

TGB Delivery Scooter 150
TMEC 200 Enduro--carcass is sadly rotting in the backyard

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