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Old 07-14-2014, 03:31 PM   #35
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Monroe, WI
Posts: 104
alright, so my tmec came assembled. give me some pointers / pics if possible, on taking the seat off, and what order the plastics come off and any tips for making it easier. right now i just want to take the seat off so i know i can if i need to get into the battery. and any of the plastics if i need to tighten any bolts or check anything for maintenance under them… just so I'm ready when the time comes and not posting this later and waiting for a reply. going to order some new mirrors, see i can get the same one that came with bike, a pair for 10 with free shipping on amazon. but I'm taking the computer outside with me to hold up pics of some other ones to see if i like any better.

i like these two, but they are a little bigger. any problems I'm not seeing with getting them a little bigger? i know it was hard to see much with the stock round mirrors, but they did their job - till i cracked one. the first pic is $24 with free shipping, and second is $17 with free shipping.
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