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Old 12-27-2006, 12:03 PM   #2
deputygene   deputygene is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 254
She was suprisingly volatile about the big bike. Didn't buy into the santa note one bit!
X-mas day here was cold and raining, the day after we got out and rode some. My boy was a little scared of his bike but I got him riding back and forth on a long gravel driveway, first in 2nd gear only, then shifting into third. I got him to where he could come to a stop pulling in the clutch and using brakes, then taking back off with the clutch.
No problems with the little Lifan 100 except the cheap chinese tube gave out after my son's first ride. The valve stem tore off making the tube un-fixable. Called around, found a new tube and got it replaced.
I rode my bike more, have put around 60Km (the speedo is KPH) on it so far. I began to notice a clacking sound when I came to a stop, didn't realize what it was at first, then noticed that one of the bolts that holds on my front brake was gone, allowing the brake to rotate forward and slam into the fork leg. A quick trip to Lowes last night found me a couple replacement bolts, could only find allen head with the correct thread, and some lock washers. Got them replaced and loctighted, should be good to go now. I am going to spend some time today going over both bikes some. The Tank continues to run well, I have ridden it on some trails and found the gearing to be more street oriented, a little too tall for tight woods trails. After three tries, I was able to climb a fairly steep wooded hill. Had a lot of fun, the bikes are very muddy now and no longer look new. Reading the Tank/Zongshen owners manual I will be in break-in for a total of 1000 kms! That is a long break in.

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