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Old 04-24-2014, 05:27 PM   #13
Le_Thon   Le_Thon is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Sioux Falls, SD
Posts: 60
I actually had a crazy idea. I have two complete stators and I was thinking about combining the two larger coils that I have. Ill attach pictures of what I am thinking. Please let me know what you think.

The new stator has both the lights/charing running off the same large coil in picture 1. The little black coil just has the red/black wire that runs to the CDI.

In picture 3, I am thinking about having one of the coils charge the battery while the other coil runs the lights and is hooked up black/red cable that runs to the CDI. The only problem I see with this is that there might be too much power running to the CDI.

The following pictures -
1. New stator that I bought months ago to try and remedy the issue
2. Coil salvaged from other stator
3. What the new stator looks like (No wiring/soldering has been done yet)

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