Thread: Hello from NYC
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:53 PM   #21
Rameek   Rameek is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 16
I know its been quite a while. But I never got the kill switch quite fixed. But other than that it ran well.

Unfortunately I was in accident during the winter in Manhattan the only damage to myself I dislocated my finger snapped that bad boy back put guerrilla tape around the finger.

While I was out the country also someone hit the bike and it sustained additional damage. I just returned recently.

Now the bike will not turn over I will youtube it tomorrow to see if anyone has any suggestions.

The sad part is I had just purchased new tires, new rear brake, another muffler which I never put on (looking to mod a sport bike muffler), changed the gas tank from metal to plastic (which I was so happy about because had it still been metal it would have been utterly damaged),among some other products.

I have to replace all the fairings/plastics. Cant really fine them. But if I can get this puppy going. I think I want the shineray 200xyi plastics.

The lower arm the rubber ran out so we replaced the rubber where the long pipe went.

Wish me luck and if you have any suggestions on upgrades please do not hesitate to suggest.

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