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Old 12-02-2012, 12:25 AM   #231
fonzerelli   fonzerelli is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 16
Well originally I wanted a hardtail, but have since changed my mind due to comfort and functionality.

I was thinking something very basic like this:

Bratstyle with either shorter shocks or stretched swingarm and dropped front and rear would be better on my back and easier though.

Maybe like this:

But I'd also like one of these cafe's made out of one:

I guess either way if I change it from stock as long as I don't spend much there's not much to loose. It will probably be worth more looking cooler even if less functional or practical.

Here is what a similar model to mine looks like bobbed with those wheels.

I dont know why I still like the wheels but I do.I think that's the main thing I don't want to give up.

To make it like the second video would take one afternoon at best.

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