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Old 11-25-2012, 10:36 PM   #1
FastDoc   FastDoc is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Southeastern Washington desert
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Great ride today!

The KLX and I rode 140 miles in the local area today, including some dirt roads I have not been on before. I DID scout them out from the air though. 8)

I rode in the area of Rattlesnake Mountain. It is the highest local mountain, in about a 50 mile radius or so, at 3527 feet. It was COLD up there!

Most of the ride was off pavement, but I confess to taking the interstate on the way home :oops: . The sun was setting and the temps were dropping. I tucked in on the KLX to not freeze in the 80+ MPH windblast for the 25 mile ride home.

Rattlesnake Mountain

That's the 14,500 foot (est) Mt. Rainier in the distance. It looms large over this little desert area ranch in the photo.

The KLX enjoying Rattlesnake Mountain.

Mt. Adams. Not much less high than Rainier.

The KLX is grazing.
Happy to serve.

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