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Old 03-30-2012, 09:01 AM   #12
benjamin550   benjamin550 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 26
Hey guys. I havent bought it yet. Im still weighing my options. Because it is on the more expensive side (1700.00 vs 1200 for a lesser built dual sport) It may be sitting a while. Ill make up my mind in a week or so. Really its a money thing. Either I buy it now, or I wait until closer to the ride date and shop around for whatever dual sport I can find. Then buy it, ride it, and sell it. If I bought this one, I would likely sell my LIfan 200 I just bought.

Big decisions... But thanks for all the help so far.

Hmmm.... On the other hand... maybe I should buy it and just rent out my Lifan to expats that want to use a moto but aren't in country long enough to buy one....

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