Thread: Shamrock pics
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:45 PM   #33
JimW   JimW is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Panhandle of oklahoma
Posts: 276
Display it where you like, doc. I'm touched to know I've made an impact on so many but to be honest my wife has touched my life more than any person, I've ever known. I grew up in a good lower to mid middleclass family. I lived about as close to a Norman Rockwell painting as anyone could, or The Nelson's family if you choose. Great parents, good siblings, never cold, never hungry, and most of all always loved. My wife on the other hand lived a child's nightmare. At 6yrs old she and her brothers watched thier father walk in the house one night and shoot thier mother in the head and then turn the gun on himself. The kids were rushed off to relatives houses where they weren't wanted and treated as if they were diseased. Thier father died and the mother managed to survive and all was reunited but thier mom couldnt settle down. Moved from Florida to Ind, to Okla before ending up in Tx. I met my wife the first time in 1976, she was 14yrs old and believe it or not knew, I was going to marry her. I didn't see her again until 5yrs later. One year after, I met her, her mother died from complications of the bullet that had been lodged in her head years before. Again her and her youngest brother got seperated and sent to various family members that didn't want them. The older brother went his own way and succumbed to drug use. Anyway, a family from Amarillo Tx managed to become her foster parent and brought her back to this part of the country and got her thru high school. A year after she grad hs, a mutual friend of ours reunited us in 81 and we've been together ever since. Her surviving brother is an ok guy. Never married and seems to have dealt with his childhood. My wife is outgoing, trustworthy, kindhearted, easy going, and accepts anything life throws her way good or bad with a smile. She's got to be one of the strongest people, I've ever known. Her kindheartedness allows people to walk all over her, but somehow she picks herself up, dusts off and goes on. When, I hear people complain about thier childhood or complain even about the simplest things, I smile and look at my wife and think to myself how lucky, I am to be a part of something so resilant with the strength to overcome any obstacle no matter how high or low it is and carry on. Very few people in this world ever have the opertunty to live thier lives with that kind of inspiration. I am truly blessed to have experienced being with her. I made her one promise when we got together in 81 and that was, I'd always love her and be by her side. No promises of anything, I couldn't absolutely stand behind. She always tells me, I've been the only thing in her life that she's ever been able to count on and that's all she ever wanted. I guess, I really didn't have to share that story with you guys since it has nothing to do with china bikes or mc's in general but since we seemed to have gotten into inspirational stories, I hope it will inspire anyone who decides to read it.

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