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Old 01-27-2012, 05:43 PM   #4
mpd240   mpd240 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 7
Went to Canby MN today and registered the motorcycle as an off highway motorcycle with the Department of Natural Resources. I did not do it on-line at home, I did it through a deputy resistor. You must do this first. When she did it on-line I had the sticker with in 5 minutes. The registration is good for 3 years. I then filled out the certification checklist for off highway motorcycles and was issued motorcycle plate. The motorcycle plate needs to be registered every year. It is a little more expensive, however I would never have gotten the plates any other way. You do not get a tittle for the bike it is just registered like a trailer or boat. Hopefully the state doesn't send me a letter telling me to surrender the plates. Here are a couple of web sites with the DNR info, the state statute, and the checklist. Good luck.

This registration process was passed into law this year due to the large number of people converting off road motorcycles to dual sport motorcycles and not being able to license them by getting a title.

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