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Old 05-15-2007, 10:57 AM   #21
jenny   jenny is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 66
I am so very sorry to hear that you recieved the brut, with it's barley davidson saddle bags. Good Luck getting your front wheel... these are shipped in a seperate box with the front fender and Sunl is notorius for not shipping them with the bike. Getting management to ship them out to a customer after their own employees mistake is almost impossiable. They want the customer to pay for the shipping and naturally as the customer you should not have to pay for the mistake. Don't blame viva motors it is not their fault. I am sure they were told the motorcycle is a v-twin and given a real good deal from sunl. Once Sunl makes the sale to their dealer they are done. If the dealer complains or request things such as the front wheel then sunl claims the dealer is trying to mouse them. hopefully for viva motors sake they stop doing business with Sunl as soon as possiable. I would also request a new starter, solenoid, and regulator you will be needing it soon. If viva can't help call Sunl 972-243-4555 good luck and god bless.

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