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Old 03-21-2011, 08:03 PM   #13
Thorgram   Thorgram is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 145
Hey Brothers! Sorry it's been almost a year, alot has happened, broken garage door, broken HVAC on the house all equals lack of funds, lack of motivation etc.

But since tax season was good this year I've been able to pick up the project again. If you care to do some back reading here is the original thread that started this one.

I chose to continue it on this one since this one is shorter.

I did some searching last saturday and found a brand new head, piston, rings and gasket from an ebay dealer for $60 + shipping. I got it today! I nearly fell over in shock! So OF COURSE I had to start working on it this evening and have been documenting the process with pictures and will put them up in the future.

If anyone is interested in the seller I can post it. Another little tidbit I got out of this too is what I ordered was titled, "Cylinder Big Bore kit Honda CG 200cc Pit Bike Moped ATV"

I wish the local dealer would see this sort of thing and stop being such a terd about turning me away whenever I mention "Chinese" enduro. The sucker is fitting like a glove! It was almost an orgasmic experience to put the new piston on and slide the new head over it, such beauty and compression.... *ahem* yes. It's going to be good to get things rolling again!

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