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Old 02-14-2011, 11:34 PM   #19
Posts: n/a
Well mine is more than what I need. Althought I would like it to go more than just 60 mph, whenever I go faster the speedometer seems to think that I'm slowing down and starts to indicate in between 30 and 40 mph when I'm actually doing close to 70mph. And for the backlit option, it doesn't really bother me cus I kindda got used to know what speed I'm going by the sound of the engine and exhaust. But my version has a botton to activate the backlight, of curse it would only stay on for a couple seconds, but more than enought just to double check my speed I'll make some more research and see if I can find a computer that has a higher top speed and a backlight. But for now I'm good

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