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pobiker 01-05-2007 09:42 PM

They are floating towards Port of Pittsburgh :)
Well I talked to my new friend from Xingyu, and he said they are crated, onboard a ship and in the South China Sea. I am excited but it will still be a month till they arrive. He informed me there was a strong earthquake in Tiwan (can't spell) :? it must have been very strong it broke a communications line connecting the mainland internet line. It was difficult understanding eachother on the phone, but interesting. So far it has been a very cool experience, I may never leave North America, but at least I have had some contact with a totaly different culture, and hopefully a new friend. Hope all of you had a good Christmas and wish you all a great new year, with plenty of safe rides!

I will let ya all know of any thing new. Ohh I should say "I will ket Yinz know of anything new LOL"

tzrider 01-06-2007 10:19 AM

My little town in Texas is flooded with Taiwanese. I worked for 'em for 23 years, Formosa Plastics, a big plant here. Little podunk town of 12K and we have 2 Chinese restaurants, Chinese sections in the grocery store, even celebrate Chinese new years. :lol: And people think Texas is all rednecks? :lol:

pobiker 01-06-2007 10:57 AM

wow thats kinda surprising, in my area, bout 30 miles north of Pittsburgh, in dairy farm area, we have a handful of oriental population. Now when steel was king here we had every ethinic group, it is funny how that works, all western european and eastern european. But that was 2 generations ago. We have a small population of migrant farm hands, but thats about it. They were a great bunch of folks, they were hard workers and good friends, when I was a kid nobody accepted them at first, but heck I used to play ball and do the goin over to eachothers house thing, wasn't much different than my Italian family, cept the food was spicyer. I love Peurtorican food mmmmmmmm. I should talk one of my buddies into opening a resturant. Now that I think, we have about 20 oriental resturants, and 5 massage parlors, only thing is where do they live and why are there none of their kids in my daughters school ????

pobiker 01-06-2007 11:08 AM

Whats Texas weather like this time of year? I want to travel Texas sometime on my FLH and up to Vegas, is it possible to make that trip, or does it snow.

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